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NowUC is the online student publication of the Journalism course at the University of Canberra. It contains work by second- and third-year students of print, broadcast and online journalism. The head of the school is Professor Matthew Ricketson.


Dr Matthew Ricketson is a journalist and academic who has worked on staff at The Age, The Australian and Time Australia magazine, among other publications, and has run the Journalism program at RMIT for 11 years. Unlike many journalism academics who come to the academy after finishing a career in the news media, Matthew has moved back and forth between the two in his career, which began at the local newspaper chain, Standard News, in Melbourne, in 1981. He believes moving between industry and academy can and has been mutually beneficial to both parties. That is, he is able to bring fresh perspectives on journalism practice into the classroom and has also been able to apply his study of the news media in the newsroom, most recently in his position as Media and Communications Editor of The Age newspaper between 2006 and early 2009.

Dr Glen Fuller’s research focuses on the relation between media and enthusiasm, histories of specialist magazines, contemporary developments in media technologies and media philosophies. He has written widely on enthusiasm, media philosophies, moral panics, complexity and social relations, and car culture. He is also interested in genealogical accounts of the relation between popular specialist or niche media and the enthusiast markets and scenes that they service.

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