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7 Morning Rituals to Help Increase Productivity

Getting up in the morning can be a struggle, especially if you have had a hard week of work and study.

I personally struggle to get up in the morning when I have had minimal sleep the night before.

Many people struggle with productivity during the working week whether it be due to lack of motivation or just plain exhaustion.

I have devised 7 morning rituals to help increase your daily productivity and help you in your work, social and university life!

Man standing in front of a wall labelled 'Productivity.'


1. Mindfulness.

Start your day off with a small session of meditation, yoga or mindfulness. This quiet activity can allow you to think and prepare for the day ahead. Mindfulness helps you stay focused on your work or study while keeping your mind both relaxed and prepared.

Mindfulness helps you with productivity by reducing stress and calming your body before your big day ahead. It can also help you focus and get rid of any distractions that may be popping in and out through your mind.

Here are some tips and activities for mindfulness and wellbeing.

A woman meditating


2. Keep your space clean.

Make your bed and keep your space clean. Doing something small such as making your bed can increase productivity as it can be the first task you complete in a day, encouraging you to keep going and achieving your goals.

Keeping your space clean can lead to less distractions. Scientific studies say that clutter can overstimulate the brain and cause more distractions.

Tidy made bed

3. Exercise.

Just 10 minutes of exercise each morning can wake up your brain and body and wake you up for the day. Exercise can improve both your physical and mental health, allowing you to concentrate more throughout the day. Exercise also helps with stress and battles fatigue, which is great for your overall wellbeing.

Exercise encourages a healthy lifestyle, which can be a defining factor in a productive day.

Studies show the best exercises for productivity are:


a woman doing sit ups

4. Eat breakfast and hydrate.

It’s true what they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Studies show that not eating breakfast can negatively affect your short term memory.

Eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it replenishes the nutrients in your body lost whilst your body was resting. Replenishing these nutrients is essential in the mornings as it will boost your energy throughout the day.

Here are some healthy and easy breakfast recipes to start your day.

tea, teapot, and avocado toast on a light brown wooden table

5. Shower.

Showering in the mornings can not only wake you up, but wash off bacteria your body has contracted whilst sleeping. A morning shower can help you feel balanced and ready for the day. A cold shower can be particularly good, activating alertness, ensuring you are ready for the day ahead.

83% of people who shower in the morning claim that they feel productive at work.

Woman in towel after a shower

6. Planning your day.

Planning your day and making a list of tasks that need to be completed whether it be for work, school or home can increase productivity as you are organised and know what needs to be done.

Laying out specific steps can help you prioritise and execute the most important things for the day ahead.

Here is a guide to help you prioritise your tasks.

Diary/ Planner- a person writing


7. Read the news.

Educate yourself with what is going on in the world around you. Reading, watching or listening to the news can also boost productivity, causing you to concentrate and learn early in the morning. Reading the news improves general knowledge as well as increase knowledge about current events.

A variety of news podcasts can be found on Spotify.

Someone reading the newspaper outside

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