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Top 10 Things About the Ladies Day Charity Races

image     Horse racing is a sport that is unique in itself, and attending a race is a completely different experience than if you were to go to a soccer, rugby or cricket match.  The Ladies Day Charity race this past weekend was a great chance for students to experience the horse racing atmosphere.  There are more than just 10 things about horse racing events, but here are the top ten best things about the Ladies Day Charity Event.

  1. It’s free! Let’s be honest, what Uni student can turn down something great for free?
  2. Betting. Everyone loves a good chance to bet, and horse racing is the perfect opportunity to throw down some money to try to win some more.  If you don’t know much about the horses, just find a group of people who know what they’re talking about and listen in. Or you can make it a guessing game and bet on the horse with the best name.
  3. Watching people win and lose bets.  People get really into the races and some bet a good chunk of money.  While the race is going on, watch their reactions.  People will jump and scream and make a scene either way, and it’s always fun to see.  The best part, though, is the end when they have lost their bets, and have a mini meltdown in public.
  4. A good reason to drink midday.  Horse races are only complete with champagne and wine, and since most are held around lunchtime, it isn’t a bad thing to start drinking at 11.  Most everyone is seen at one time or another with a drink in their hand before noon, so don’t get left out-have a drink.
  5. Students, they have discounts for you.  The bars have reduced prices on drinks if you have your student ID on you.IMG_1279
  6. An excuse to dress fancy.  Horse races have a completely unique atmosphere and, unlike most sporting events, the guests dress to the nines.  Men wear suits and ties and women wear dresses and exquisite hats.  You definitely don’t want to be the under-dressed one at a horse race, so make sure to get dolled up.
  7. You’re practically at a fashion show.  Since everyone is so dressed up, you can just walk around to see some great outfits, especially the ladies with out-there head wear.  Fascinators are the big thing at a horse race for women, and I think it might be a contest as to who can wear the most outrageous thing on their head.  Some had feathers half a meter tall, while others were made of fluorescent flowers and netting.
  8. Perfect picture opportunities. Everyone is dressed sharp, and who doesn’t want their photo taken after all that effort to get ready?  Plus, the race is outdoors so there is no lack of good lighting.
  9. The crowd is so friendly.  The rivalries aren’t anything like rugby or soccer teams, so the crowd is not hostile.  People want to chat and make small talk in between races, so it’s a great time to expand your network and make friends.
  10. Watch the horses race, obviously.   It’s an adrenaline rush, even if you’re not big on horse racing.  The races are usually extremely close, and sometimes have an exciting twist, like a horse who starts off poorly and makes its way to first place.

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