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The Croods Review

I have a confession to make: I willingly went to see a kid’s movie, without any kids. Phew, glad I got that off my chest. While that isn’t really the most life-changing confession, it is something that I have been thinking about.

But it turns out I didn’t have to stress about it at all because as I walked into the cinema to see this movie, I realised I wasn’t alone. There were older couples; groups of teenagers and other people just like me! But more importantly, there were no kids!

So that got me thinking, do animations targeted at children have a greater appeal on adults? Well let’s take Finding Nemo as an example. As far as I could tell, more adults were excited about the announcement of the sequel, Finding Dory than the kids of this generation.

The movie I saw with my fellow adult friend was The Croods, which follows the journey of the Croods family embarking on their first family road trip. Set in prehistoric times, the family is forced to find a new home after their cave is destroyed.

Along the way, the family meets a human who teaches them the ways of the semenax videos world from hunting to opening their eyes to the things surrounding them, something that the Croods weren’t used to after living a very safe lifestyle.

While the movie is very obviously a kid’s movie thanks to the great animations, there were definite elements of the movie that only adults could fully understand. This was presented through certain themes throughout the movie, like the relationship the father has with his mother-in-law. It is a classic dislike of the in-laws and was presented in a way that I am sure can resonate with audiences.

Another big theme throughout is the whole topic of leaving home and finding the trust through the relationship between parents and their children. Whether we are currently going through this, or went through it when we were younger, I found myself agreeing and sharing the characters frustrations.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable film that had the audience sharing laughs, anger and in some moments, tears as we were taken on an adventure through a world that will never exist to

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The Croods is a movie definitely worth seeing, and I know that I’ll be seeing it again, but perhaps with children this time.

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