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Q&A: Cyclone Winston

Cyclone Winston was the biggest cyclone recorded to hit Fiji and the Southern Hemisphere. With wind gusts reaching more than 320 kilometers an hour, the category five cyclone left no mercy on homes, villages and lives. However, Fijian-Australians were just as worried for their island homes during the storm.
Fiji was considered a popular holiday destination for families and newlyweds prior to Cyclone Winston, but the aftermath had left Fijian-Australians saddened that their island homes and villages had been left in ruins. Mesulame ‘Mesu’ Dolokoto had spent most of his life in Fiji and now residing in Canberra, Mesu feared for his family’s safety during the peak of Cyclone Winston. Jessica Taulaga spoke to Mesu about how his life back in Fiji was like and how Cyclone Winston has affected him.
How was life back home in Fiji?
Life was good because most of my family lives there, none of them live abroad. I loved the people, they’d help each other out in times of need. If someone needed a helping hand, or if someone was moving, we would help out and all the boys in the neighbourhood would help out. If there was a fundraiser, we would all chip in and help each other it.
With what’s happened in the past month in Fiji, how do you feel?
Looking at the pictures, it hurts knowing what the people back home are facing, especially my mum’s village. Her village in Koro Island was smashed by the cyclone and all the people there were relocated to their families in Suva, the mainland.
My school was also destroyed, so the government made an arrangement for kids to go to their local schools.
Do you feel that the event of the cyclone has brought Fiji closer?
I was talking to one of my cousins in Fiji and he went down to the part of Fiji that was really affected and he saw all the villagers and volunteers helping out and saw people from the mainland bringing groceries. Even though they’re not related, they still brought groceries and lent a hand, so it does bring us together.
Would you go back home to Fiji?
I would go back to help out and see what I can do for my people.
Words and photo by Jessica Taulaga.

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